Unit Drilling Company has a new, high-tech rig known as the BOSS. The new drilling gear is known as a BOSS rig, which is short for a box-on-box self-stacking rig.
It has become standard practice in much of the oil patch for companies to drill up to a dozen wells from the same drilling pad in different directions and into different rock layers. The BOSS rig is designed to move quickly around a pad to accommodate multiple wells.
The BOSS will be equipped with two 2,200 horsepower mud pumps and will be designed to move easily.
The first of the new rigs is expected online by the end of the year. It will then be put into service in the Texas Panhandle or in western Oklahoma. Unit then plans to begin working on its second new rig, which will be used in North Dakota.
The Oklahoman covered the story of Unit's new rig: http://newsok.com/tulsa-based-companys-high-tech-rig-offers-design-technology-for-the-future/article/3887104